
When we started talking about the annual Easter Shoe shopping trip earlier this week, I never thought it would be a lesson for me on courage....from my nine year old son.

Every year Tweet Tweet and Pop Pop send the boys money for "Easter Shoes."  Something they've been doing since Brian was tiny.  My boys look forward to this every year, more so as they're getting older and having opinions on what they want.  One rule....they get what they want.  Period.  I do veto getting the correct size...Owen prefers his at least a half size too small.

Greyson announced a few weeks ago that his favorite color was no longer purple, it was pink.  Then he took it a step further and told me he wanted to get pink running shoes with his Easter shoe money.  Quite frankly I thought it was pretty cool.  A little debate ensued behind closed doors and through the aisles of the shoe store.  I kept hearing, "He's going to get picked on."  My thought is that would be a good thing.  It will teach him if he's going to be true to himself or give in to society.  Not to mention that this kid has an astounding personality and if anyone was going to pull this off, it was him.

This kid....he charmed us all with his horrifying smelling feet.  A treat indeed.



My favorites...but I kept my opinion quiet.

The winner!  But we need some lime green or orange laces for them.  Curious that a large shoe store would only have black and white laces.  Target for the win.  Always!  ;-)

It was nice to feel a little affirmation this morning from someone I respect.  Tweet Tweet reminded me of a quote I'd heard in the past, that she'd just read recently.

So fitting....


  1. What a cool thing to be proud of your boy over!!! Loved this. I love that he never even gave it a thought that his shoes will standout over everyone else's. I love that quote you shared too. Love love love it. Be YOU, be-you-tiful!!!

  2. I adore pink on boys! The quote is awesome!


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