Well at least we're still alive......

Well at least we're still alive.....those were the first words out of Owen's mouth on Saturday morning when we woke up in a tent at Cub Scout camp!  I'm curious as to why he thought we may NOT be alive!

This past weekend was Mother & Son Cub Scout camp and while it was tiring, and definitely not comfortable, it was a lot of fun and I made some amazing memories with my boys.  I'm so happy that we went and I can't wait to go back next year.  It was the first time my boys spent the night outdoors in a tent and I'm pretty sure they thought something was going to eat us in the night.

The registration information said that our campsite would be about 1/3 of a mile from the parking lot so we planned to carry everything on our backs.  We loaded up Brian's old Army backpack and two other backpacks and headed for the woods.  Other people brought wagons and sleds to get their things to camp, but we opted to just hike it in.

Greyson insisted on carrying the heaviest pack...definitely weighing more than him.  He didn't make it out of the parking lot with it though!  I'm happy I at least let him try.  

Owen offered to help a friend.  

Our group after the tents were all successfully set up!


None of us were impressed by the bathroom facilities.  Super stinky pit toilets.  Honestly, a hole in the ground in the woods would have been better.  One of the boys came out on Saturday evening with a serious look on his face.  Greyson asked if he was alright.  He told him, "It's none of your business....I almost DIED in there!"  Funniest quote from the weekend!  

Here's Owen fleeing from his first bathroom experience!  

On Friday evening we had dinner and then time to explore the camp a little before the camp fire.  The boys have never been to a summer camp and the Trading Post was really exciting for them!  We put our food rules away for the weekend yet still made as many good choices as we could.  Here's Owen with his first slushie.  90% of the boys were walking around with these on Friday night!

Here's my boy waking up alive on Saturday morning!  :-)

After breakfast on Saturday we had the day to enjoy a TON of different activity stations.  We didn't even make it to half of them because there were so many offerings.  

Arm Pit Fudge.....mmmmm.  :-)  Add the ingredients to a plastic bag and mix it up in your arm pit.  

Fire building.  Greyson, Owen and a friend had a contest to see who could burn their string first.  Owen didn't want to compete because he thought he'd probably lose.  He ended up winning!  That was a huge confidence booster for him.  Love it!

One of my favorite activities was the 2-Man Saw.  I cut a section of log with each boy and then the piece was branded and we took it home as a souvenir.  


We also did archery, BB guns, and hatchet throwing.  

I was the only one to have any hatchets stick.  I sent a text to Brian and told him that they all better watch out!  ;-)

The boys tried lighting matches with a hatchet too.


This was a common sight all weekend!

One of Owen's favorite activities for sure!  He even asked Brian to make one of these for the cabin.  Shooting water rockets!

Boys being silly at the dining hall.

The boys wore their uniforms to the last flag ceremony and camp fire.  

Owen volunteered to participate in the short church service before the camp fire.  


Then we took a walk down a fire lit trail along the edge of the lake.  They separated us by about 30-45 seconds so that each mom and her son(s) were alone" on the trail.  It was a really special experience!

There's nothing better than being a mom to boys!


  1. I love this post a lot!
    I'm glad y'all survived. :)
    These pictures are all wonderful, and I know your boys will have great memories of this camping trip. I love those beautiful tall trees. And, are you guys Gators fans?! Kevin is!

  2. I agree. Love this. I showed it to my oldest who in the Webelos group. Fun!


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