Veterans Motorcycle Ride

Last year Brian's Uncle Sobe introduced him to a local Harley ride for veterans.  Brian helped with set up and then spent the day at the event.  This year he really wanted to be able to ride in the event and share the pre-ride ceremony with the boys.  My friend Kendra was truly generous and let him ride her quite new Harley for the event.  Thanks to her he had an amazing day!

Pre-ride pic with Brian, Uncle Sobe, his cousin Rod, and his cousin Scott.

Setting the table for the missing soldier.  Very moving ceremony.

Just waiting for the ride to start.

Brian lined up next to his cousin Rod. 

Uncle Sobe with two of his nephews.

 The boys testing out Rod's bike.

There was a Corvette club along for the ride as well.

While Brian was off for the day I ran some errands with the boys and we stopped to visit with my grandmother and bring her some tomatoes from the farmer's market.  It's a blurry picture, but it's all I got.  :-(

They had a silent auction, band and food after the ride.  We hung out for a bit then called it a day. 

But first we walked past a really old cemetery where Brian and his dad wandered through looking at the headstones.  That business freaks me out.  Then Brian found grass clippings that had molded into the shape of a cross on a grave marker and decided to pick it up and bring it over to me.  I wasn't as appreciative as he thought I should be.  :-) 


  1. I kind of got teary eyed at the beginning of this post. God Bless Brian and all of our veterans. How cool that he got to borrow a new Harley! That is so neat. Love this! xo


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